
Monday, October 9, 2017

Some Nature Finds

I have not gone home last weekend, so i can't seem to find photos to post for this Monday. But wait i have to look in my latest files. I realized i still got lots of shots about lots and lots of biodiversity in my place. Whatever comes in front of my eyes, i document, and they are sometimes unnoticed because i just usually post the hoya and butterflies. I i just have to look, i have a lot of them.

 maturing seed pods of a weed

 they are easily borne by the wind and gets very invasive, but as flowers some butterflies love them

Flower buds of milkweeds, Asclepias curassavica, an introduced species from tropical Americas However, it is also introduced to my lowland garden, as i got it from our colder highlands. I was just trying it out in my garden for our local monarchs. 

 Open flowers of milkweed, they are like dancing ladies with overflowing gowns, but our butterflies has not found them yet. 

this is the milkweed pod about to dehisce, being in the hoya family they have the same characteristics

young shoots and leaves of akapulko, Cassia alata, a favored host of Mottled Emigrant butterfly

Look at those yet very small larvae of the Mottled Emigrant, Catopsilia pyranthe pyranthe. The ants seem to be tending them, and they might perhaps shoe away the predators.
Even at the pre-pupation stage the ants are still there. I wonder what symbiotic relationship they have with those ants. 

 jumping spider upside down

 A dark blue tiger butterfly, Tirumala hamata orestilla, beautified by shadows. 


  1. Lovely series :) Like the upside-down spider photo!

  2. Hello, lovely nature photos. You live in a beautiful area, with a great variety of wildlife and flowers. The spider and butterfly are both beautiful. Love the caterpillar. Petty looks at the seedpods, buds and flowers. Happy Monday and enjoy your new week ahead.

  3. Such exquisite photos! Love the dancing ladies.

  4. Lovely photos! I wonder if the caterpillar is secreting odours that mimic the smell of the ants' young to get them to feed it? Some caterpillars do this - the ants feed them while leaving their own brood to starve.

    1. Actually, i am so curious about it too! I am more familiar with the ants and aphids because of aphids honeydew secretion eaten by ants, however for this larva i haven't read any specific research on this butterfly species. I also read this link which is same as what you said. I am actually asking some experts as they may know reason for this specific butterfly.

  5. oh such pretty photos, the ants look so much more interesting close up.

  6. Your nature photography is incredible. The details and the textures that you capture are amazing.

  7. Stunning nature shots! I especially like the spider and the milkweeds.

  8. Oh wow...what great jumping spiders...Interesting about the ants and larva...I too only know about ants tending aphids....Michelle

  9. Your photography is absolutely breath taking, thank you for sharing. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment!.

  10. Such lovely shots - and these are ones that you had disregarded!!! Maybe there is a lesson here that we can all learn - everything and everyone is worthy of a second look!

  11. Fascinating photos, as always. You have a way of looking at your subjects and documenting them that is really magical. I remember reading that Hoyas and Milkweeds are in the same family and subfamily. You can kind of see it in the structure of the flowers. Lovely, lovely images. :)

  12. You have an awesome eye for nature around you! I love how you snap such a variety of critters!


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