
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

A Lovely Present

I had a blogger friend long ago, who gifted me with some bulbs and lilies. She sent this through her relatives via a Balikbayan Box. She is also a Filipino who immigrated and worked in the US, but we come to know each other through our garden blogs. She bred lilies and have lots including crinums, hippeastrums, Asian lilies, and more.

My favorite among my loot from her is this Crinum 'Ellen Bosanquet'. It blooms only once a year just like the hippeastrums, but this has a delightfully spicy sweet fragrance.  It has reddish-purplish flowers with more than 6 flowers per scape. Mine flowered first in 2014, stopped for 2 years, and this year has 8 flowers on its 2 ft scape. And there are 2 scapes per plant. However, they didn't open at the same time. Someone commented on my Facebook wall that it is the plant's defense to withstand stresses like our heat and drought. I agree with that. So the duration of the whole blooming stalk lasted for more than a week.

Crinum 'Ellen Bosanquet'is a vigorously multiplying hybrid. It was hybridized in Florida during the 1920s by Louis Bosanquet who named it after his wife. Here in my hot tropical garden, it suffers growth during the dry hot months from March-April, but flowers after the first heavy rains in May. Despite the only single flowering per year, it certainly is a lovely asset in a garden.


  1. Hello, it is a lovely liles. I would I could smell their scent. A beautiful asset to your garden! Have a great day and week ahead!

  2. oh it's so lovely, so vibrant.

  3. I love the color of 'Ellen Bosanquet' -- and having that color come in a package with a lovely scent makes it an extra-special gift. -Jean

    1. Oh hi Jean, yes it is a very special gift that i still treasure even after so many years. And i will remain thankful and send some prayers to the giver!

  4. I enjoy walking around my garden and remembering the people who gifted me with my plants. Iceberg roses remind me of the gardeners who were on this patch before me.

  5. So very pretty. Lovely photos too.

  6. Hello Andrea...we have such different plants you and I... Your tropical and my cold weather... I grow the milkweed here that is native and can overwinter...So far it is all doing well....Michelle

  7. Beautiful plant with great memories!


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