
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Camera Pets!

My niece always wants to pose for the camera since she was a kid. That hasn't diminished through the years. Because of the digital technology and the easy access to photos with celfones, she has lots of them. I wonder why these days the so called millenials are so fond of taking their own photos. It is almost like second thoughts to them to raise their fones, smile and click.

I am not fond of taking people's photos, only for special occassions, on trips as tourists to say we were there, or when obliged in group pictures. But i seldom stay in front, nor be prominently displayed in focus. I noticed that there are also older people who take their own photos seemingly like they are still young, or mimick the actions of the millenials. I laughed at the word selfie, groupie, and i chuckled at the words by an Indian blogger friend "doublefie". Oh how easy we are in coining words, they come with the times, but very functional.

Back to my niece. She knows i don't like to take much of her photos anymore. She already graduated from college and already working. So in the following pictures she took someone to go with her. She was able to oblige me even without words. There i am hooked to click!

 We have 2 mother goats, and they both have newly born pair of kids.

 they are pets and the kids come to the house when hungry

 They even smell better than dogs, even if they don't bathe. And look
 at those soft eyes, they are so lovable and endearing.

 my niece and nephew always hug them at this young age

These are the brown pair from Goat Mom One, and Goat Mom Two has a pair of blacks, the same style as the browns. One of them is purely black and the twin has white. 


  1. Hello, your niece is a beautiful young woman. she could be a model. The goats or kids are so sweet, I want to give them a hug too. Great series of photos and post. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thank you Eileen, she will like what you said. And thanks for hosting.

  2. Beautiful girl and 'kids' goats are so adorable and wonderful photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a fun weekend ~ ^_^

    1. Yes they are Carol, both huggable. Thank you.

  3. Thank you for sharing, Andrea - so much fun seeing your beautiful niece and the adorable baby goats!

    1. Thanks again for dropping by, my friend. My niece will appreciate your kind words.

  4. I don't know which is cuter...your niece or the goats :-)

  5. Hi Andrea, It is amazing to me to go somewhere and see people taking selfies. What do they do with the thousands of photos they must generate? Anyway, your niece and the goats are very sweet.

    1. Young people now, i think, are more self-centered than our generation. I guess concentrating on themselves radiate with many consequences in their lives, family and society. In a way, that is a sad evolution of standards.

  6. These are beautiful photographs. Your niece is a very pretty young lady and the animals are very cute. I never thought I would take selfies. But I do now when there is no one around to take a photo of hubby and me when we are traveling. We have our tripod in the trunk of the car 'somewhere'. Selfie's can be very dangerous also as people forget where they may be standing. I feel the need to remind people to be very careful when they take them. Tragedies have occurred.

    1. Hi Denise, you are very right. But i realized that i was already doing selfies while it is not yet in vogue by these young people. Many years ago from a 1-month training in Sweden i passed by Rome before returning home. I've been alone touring the ruins, my base was FAO. I cannot just ask someone to take my photos, they are busy too, so with my small compact camera i took a lot of selfies. I was already an expert in taking them, as when i raise my camera, i am already at the side and the backround clearly seen, hahaha. I have DSLR now and i cannot get a nice selfie with my celfone.


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