
Friday, March 24, 2017

Garden Residents Popped Again

 It is already very very dry and hot again. Our dry season just started in March, but the heat seems to already be in April-May, the height of our intense 2nd season. Here in Metro Manila the highest recorded temperature now is 31°C with Heat Index of 39°C. Can you relate to these conditions, when you are still expecting for spring, still in the midst of very cold winter? I remember reading something like, the hot countries will get hotter, while cold countries will even be colder! OMG, we are being punished! If this is not climate change, then what is inflicting us these conditions?

Anyway, enough of that, that is a human being talking. I wonder how the smaller garden creatures feel. They are still there, as if not feeling the heat. They just hid among the flowers or leaves. They seem to be just feeling great, as long as there is food.

This spider doesn't have the back abdomen marks as i posted before, with smiling faces, or scary old men's snare!

Larvae still eats available leaves, but that has to be in colder mornings, or else their bodies will not tolerate the oven-like temps. That right hoya leaf is the damage of that larva at the left.

This sphinx moth probably just emerged from the pupa, as the wings look great. However maybe that bald head is a result of bumping into something hard like glass window.
 A young praying mantis hopefully gets its prey, or hopefully will not be seen by its predator.
 These 2 photos are just pictures of only one spider. Above is taken towards the sky, while below is taken at its eye level.It just shows that expressions of anything only depends on the perspective of the onlooker. Top looks like that of an angry dog or angry old man. On the other hand the bottom looks like a smiling young creature, even with a ribbon on its head. So all of us don't judge immediately of what we see, let sometime pass until you change your perspective.

We are into perspective, so what do you see in the above photo. I will be very curious of what you think, or see, or feel, or what is your perspective. I see a poodle, don't you think so? Please let me know. I will tell you the answer at the comments.

As for me......later!


  1. I very much enjoyed your "perspective". Great shots.

  2. Great pictures of your little friends in the garden! I have been very interested in climate change and the impact on species. Over the last 30 or so years the number of species of butterflies has doubled from 12 to 24 species breeding in East Lothian. While I have been researching this I discovered that back in the 1700s many of these species were here, but they disappeared some time before 1850. When I mentioned this to a geologist she said, well that was when the little ice age occurred. So it seems that the temperatures are returning to what they were 200 years ago. I wonder if that is also true of the Philippines? No matter, we should still do all we can to make sure we don't impact on global temperatures.

    1. Oh yes, I forgot to say, your last picture. As I assume you weren't scuba diving I don't think it is coral. Is it some form of fungus?

  3. Incredible photos, as always! I thought of coral right away for the last photo, but I'm guessing it's something a little trickier? Regarding the temperature, 31C is not unusual for us in the summer, but when you add the heat index of 39C--yikes! It must be very humid? That would be a good day to go swimming or to drink a cold drink in an air-conditioned room! Take care! Don't work too hard outside!

    1. Hi Beth, my reply to the last photo puzzle is at the last part, for all of you! Regarding temperatures and heat indexes, it is easier to be in a drier environment even when temps are high. But here in our country, we have very high humidity that we cannot go out for a few minutes, at least for me, because i feel like evaporating! But i wonder, the construction workers and jeepney drivers are still out there whatever the time is!

  4. Hmmmm...I'm seeing some sort of fungi in your last pic...:)JP

    1. Yes, hehe, that is my mushroom growing hayward, if it can laugh maybe it is wriggling in laughter due to my expression the first time i saw it. Thanks for visiting.

  5. Hello, your photos and macros are just amazing. I love the praying mantis. The moth is beautiful and what a cool looking spider. Great post. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  6. Wow...thanks for sharing! Great pics of the critters of your world.

  7. You are a watchful observer, you can see it in interesting pictures. I like the look of praying mantis. Unfortunately I do not know what may be the last picture. I associate with some mushrooms. I greet and thank you for a nice visit with me.

    1. Thanks Giga for the kind words. My reply is at the end of the comments.

  8. Hello, Andrea - yes, I also see your poodle! The sphinx moth is magnificent. I was in my art class this morning (trying to paint a chameleon) when a Harlequin Ladybird landed in my paint palette...

    1. Oh wow maybe the ladybird now has a higher level of consciousnss, they know who are thinking about them! Isn't that amazing, incredible. Maybe it is saying "you now are forgetting me, come we are now around", hehe! Best regards, Caroline.

  9. This is the reply for all of you who commented, appreciated, and all very kind to me; and those who joined my call to identify my last photo. I am so glad, amused and delighted with your guesses! Actually, i am growing a few bags of mushrooms in the kitchen, and they have been presenting me a lot of differential growths. I am happy with the fruiting giving me some additional proteins to my vegies, however this particular one showed up like that one morning i am leaving for a 3day vacation. Yes Giga, you are correct it really is a mushroom trying to immitate a poodle. There is even a tail, and i can also see the ears and eyes.

    I remember the fishes that goes into schools of fishes to look bigger to predators, or the insects immitating something as a decoy. Maybe the mushrooms can also immitate the bigger pets, so they will get more attention. Hahaha, i wonder where my mind goes into when provoked. Thank you so much everyone.

  10. What a wonderful range of images of insect - really like that pale spider.

    cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  11. These are terrific creatures! What a lovely variety, too. What a fun little growth that looks like a poodle.

  12. You have captured a great array of tiny critters here. I bet they don't feel the heat, but us humans do. I'm definitely not a hot weather person!

  13. Fabulous series of images... and is that some sort of fungus in the last shot?


  14. beautiful macro images. Loved the look of the larva :)

  15. I love critters too. I am arachnophobic though. :)

  16. I love the spider...I see a poodle too....We are about average. Still cold and wet and maybe a bit more snow at the end of the week....but I am working on my garden I am content...Michelle

  17. I love all of the little critters. Except maybe that scary white spider. But I suppose he's an O.K. dude.

  18. oh I love them, I"m a big fan of companion planting with herbs and flowers etc so that they attract guys like this who are friendly in the garden.

  19. You have some great macros here!

  20. It does sound hot there! Your insect photos are amazing...especially the spider face. I find spiders so fascinating Is that a flower or tree blossom in the last photo?

  21. captured some interesting creepy crawly critters! When I was at the Buffalo Botanical Gardens recently, I thought of you, they Hoyas were in flower!


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