
Friday, February 17, 2017

Critters, critters!

Garden Critters

I looked for the meaning of critters, and found that it is an informal word for any living creature, from a wolf to a spider! Oh so it would be correct to put what i am thinking of in this post. Originally, i thought it only refers to the small animals like the insects or spiders. I am glad i checked it first, that is the beauty of the digital age, and that Google is just a click away!

 I have been following this inside the room one morning, it bumped several times into the closed glass window. Then it dropped to the floor, i guess it died. Sorry! Or probably it got hit when something got its hind wings, a big part is torn.

 PALM KING, Amathusia phidippus

This is probably its partner, although i am not aware how to distinguish the sexes. It is not a butterfly but a moth, a big moth.
 This one is also a moth, but i completely do not know its ID

 a small butterfly on a Turnera ulmifolia flower

PYRALID MOTH, Doloessa sp(Pyralidae; Galleriinae)

Can you see the owner of this long house? Of course it is a spider, the web is there.

I touched it, and suddenly it crawled upward leaving a space at the middle. There you can see it on top of the long house. The long house is a decoy to show the predators that it might be big, or so that the predators will not see where the real spider is located. The house provides for a good mimic. 


  1. Amazing photos and info. Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady

  2. I love the butterfly on the Turnera flower!

  3. Love them all. Especially the butterflies. :)

  4. That's right these are all critters, but more insects ! I love butterflies but otherwise I prefer the critters you can pet !

  5. Hello, beautiful moth and butterflies. Lovely captures. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  6. What an interesting post. The first Palm King had been confused before I read about it. Even now I know that it has died, it still looks strange. Is there another creature under it? There looks to be a little golf-club shaped leg sticking out, which is different from the legs in the second picture. The spider is amazing. I don't normally like spiders. What does it make its house out of?

    1. Hahaha, yes Nick there actually is a black something behind the dead moth. Maybe that is the head that protrudes behind the moth's head. I noticed that, i had hoped nobody will notice, i don't know what that is, maybe that's the one which bit the hind wing.

      About the spider, i guess its house are gathered debris from the surroundings. I saw a still shorter one with a smaller spider. Maybe it adds more to it as the owner gets bigger! Exciting, isn't it?

  7. Nature is so clever! Your photos are just great.

  8. Awesome photographs! As you know, I'm a big fan of "critters." I miss them during the winter, and it's so fun to find them and observe them during the warmer months. :)

    1. Oh Beth really, i didn't know that you like critters. We have lots of them, but as you know i have very limited time at home even limited for doing the hoyas, so i can't document them. Even for just 2 hours around the house give me lots of finds.

  9. Nice set of pictures - shame that the large one did not do well.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  10. Great photos. That's an amazing spider. Your unidentified moths looks like it would belong to the Pyralidae family.

    1. Thank you Mosura, actually i already asked for its ID in the PhiLep group but i forgot to copy the name.

  11. These are really good macros and I do love moths and butterflies and spiders...

  12. Beautiful moths and what an interesting spider. I agree, it is handy to have a reference library at your fingertps at all times!

  13. very good photos, quite different insects from what we have here.


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