
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Skywatching at Home

I have always been writing in my posts that the December Holiday season starts the coldest time of the year in this part of the world. Then it starts getting hot again in mid-February or March, the start of our dry season. So officially the colder months also fell on the rainy season. We only have the wet and dry seasons in this part of the tropics. And our cold will be even hotter than the summer of our counterparts in some temperate countries. This means...hold your breath.... 23-25°C is already colder for us here in the tropical Philippines lowland. 

But my home in the province at ~500 masl is a little higher than our lowlands. We sometimes have foggy mornings and even colder dawns, time when we wear our sweaters and socks. During the Christmas Holidays it was already cold with our standards. But i still want to have some sunrise shots. I always see them on our east window, so when it looks so bright at dawn i immediately go out of the house despite the chill to get some vantage point. I walk along our road a few minutes and take shots whenever there is some clearing from the so crowded trees and plants. 

Here are some shots, SOOC, for roughly 10 min before the sun emerged at the horizon! They now ended up on my office desktop background. 


  1. Oh my goodness, they are so stunning! I love them all! The vibrancy and the layers of color! We are having an OK winter for our area--I'm sure so, so cold by your standards, and yet mild by ours (for January). We've had many days with highs above freezing, which feels like spring. ;-)

    1. I LOL at your comment, imagine above freezing but already feels like spring. No wonder 10C for me while in Sweden is really very very cold!

  2. Very nice shots. I particularly like the composition of the first one. I am sure it makes a very good desk top!
    I have been finishing off our butterfly records for last year over the last few days, and I could only find two days when the temperature was over 20 degrees. That isn't normal, but it was the same last year. We would normally expect to have a few days in the 20s and almost reaching 30 degrees in an average summer. I hope this year is better!

    1. I can only imagine what my countrymen who migrated to cold countries like Canada feel like during their first few years! But i myself love temps in Hongkong or in our highlands, where 20-25C is the normal temps.

  3. Those are beautiful photos, well worth getting "cold" for.

    1. "Cold" that elicits big LOLs from you, haha!

  4. Wow! Your photos are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  5. So beautiful. I would love these on my desktop, too! Alana

    1. Yes i actually have them as desktop and screensaver, to replace my hoyas.

  6. Lovely colors in those sky shots!

  7. very nice colours, you got them at the right time.

    1. These are mostly daily, and sometimes i am not interested anymore to get pics.


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