
Monday, January 23, 2017

Hoya mariae as Mellow Yellow

A fellow attendee in last year's lecture on hoyas at the local garden show brought a long vine of Hoya mariae. She is an FB friend and a plant hobbyist too, so encouraged me to plant what she brought. However, she said it has the habit of invasiveness, so i turned down the offer. Besides, i thought it was so full of leaves and maybe lazy to bloom. It also didn't have any flower in the vine that time. 

Sometime last November a hoya hobbyist from Thailand visited and we went to an area near the mountain where lots of plants are being sold at the roadsides. It was raining so hard and we just bought some hoya vines that took our fancy. Most of the time the vines didn't have flowers, we just relied on the description of the seller, who also do not know the name or the species they are selling. 

I bought a few vines, whatever they might turn out to be later. Then this one led the rest of the group in blooming. It doesn't have shoots yet but started blooming. I love that shape of the flowers, characteristics and color. The pure yellow color is different and beautiful. When i asked for the identification from a friend, it turned out to be Hoya mariae synonymous with Clemensiella mariae. I was laughing because i rejected a free cutting, but eventually bought it. LOL.


  1. It's beautiful. The color and the opaque consistency of the flower remind me of smooth butter. :)

  2. It is such an unusual flower - very waxy looking. Hoyas are not something I see often, so it is interesting to see this one. Thank you for sharing. I had a little giggle about your "free" gift.

    1. Thanks Liz. I already edited that portion about the "free"gift, yes it is redundant. LOL

  3. Very nice and a lucky purchase as it sounds as though the seller could have sold you anything!!
    How is your garden doing after the storm?

    1. Hi Nick, thanks so much for asking. Some plants died, most are recovering. Hippeastrum or bulb lilies leaves rot, but others still recovering. In a little while they will be fine again. But i don't have time now for the butterflies, even if i see a few lingering around last weekend. All my time are with the plants which i can't even finish work with the few hours Sunday morning. Have a lovely week ahead there.

  4. So pretty! I love how nature can mimic other things like stars and hearts and so on.

  5. I have 4 kinds of Hoyas but I have not seen yours before. Lovely color on that one :)

    1. I am glad to find someone here who really have hoyas! I hope you are enjoying it.


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