
Monday, September 26, 2016

Art in a Hibiscus

Gumamela, that is our local term for  Hibiscus rosa-sinensis! This is a plant that has been with all of us since we were born, and our grandparents were born. It can be called a heirloom plant. It can be found everywhere, at different colors, different leaves and different varieties. Some are planted as hedges at the margins of the property, some allowed to grow tall as tall shrubs, some fully manicured topiaries, and some in very beautifully pedestal pots. But many of these local varieties are just taken for granted, left growing at the sides, eaten by stray animals especially goat kids, and didn't receive any care from human beings. But they still strive to live, come rainy season nor long dry season! And that is how tolerant and resistant the gumamela plant is to us.

We have a plant relegated to the sides just like what i mentioned. But i know it has to be loved, cared for and given attention. The following shows some of the characteristics of even just a gumamela flower. And i am sure, there still are many angles i haven't shown. And the whole plant is much more useful than what we see! But please excuse me if this plant might be a hybrid, as i didn't know. It has been there for quite a while, as if it is a native!


  1. Beautiful pictures, I like the perspective and the great color!

  2. These are some lovely photos. I love how crisp and clear your shots are! Wonderful, amazing details.

  3. I have got a Hibiscus for my birthday ! It was blooming all the time with orange yellow flowers ! Now it has stopped. Maybe it's because of fall ?

  4. beautiful, such a vibrant yellow

  5. I've had many different hibiscus plants when I lived overseas, but I have to admit I've never seen them with this much detail. Fabulous macros of a beautiful flower. Thank you for sharing

  6. It's pretty, you got some great macros of it.

  7. Hi dropping by to reply to the comment you left on my blog.

    I don't believe the Mayans reached Peru - correct me if I'm wrong. The Incas were the ones living in Peru and yes the Mayans are big in Mexico and they are making a big push to keep the culture alive. The most impressive ruin, the Chichen Itza is in Yucatan Peninsula, near Cancun.

  8. Beautiful macros, Andrea.
    Thanks for linking up with the Floral Friday Fotos meme.


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