
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Early morning finds

I woke up early last Sunday to look for whatever i can find in the garden. I roam around, took advantage of the light, insects still inactive,  as well as the dew on leaves still at lower rate of evaporation. Somehow i found some things i haven't seen as close. They were normally very ordinary and considered non-essential till i peered through the close-up lens.

This is a very common sight on our streets when a tamarind tree is nearby. Those are the fallen flowers carpeting the ground. This only happens once a year at the beginning of the rainy season, and the fruits are ready during the dry months. 

 This is one of the petals of a flower, about 1.5cm in length. The veination is dark maroon on a yellow background making it attractive at close-up.

 the already wilted flower

 it seems like that side of the heliconia flower is sweet, because most of the flowers are occupied by those small black ants in that same location

this is the almost spent flowers of blood lily, Scadoxus multiflorus

a female praying mantis under the hoya leaves, abdomen is full of eggs 

a dart moth which is exceptional, as it is active during the day unlike most of the moths

I still have lots of finds this last Sunday morning, but i hoard my photos for next posts. Thank you for dropping by and leaving some comments.


  1. Any walk through nature can reveal some fantastic sights and photo opportunities. The blood lilies are just stunning. Have a blessed week.

    1. Thanks for dropping by DrillerAA09. If only i have more time when at home in the province, i have lots of subjects there waiting.

  2. A beautiful collection of photos. The colours are wonderful.

  3. Great photo of the moth on last one. The blood lilies have wonderful flowers!

    1. Thanks for always visiting here Judy. My garden is a shame compared to yours.

  4. interesting morning :) The ants looks very decorative on that flower. :)

    1. Haha oh yes, i felt that too. They seem to be part of the flower's beauty.

  5. Keen observation! Such beautiful "ordinary" things you found on your walk. I love to see your macros and your insect photos. :)

    1. Thanks Beth. Now you reminded me that i missed GBBD again, when this time i have lots of flowers to post.

  6. So lovely -- macro and close-up photography does provide the incentive to LOOK closely at ordinary things we might usually miss. Thank you for doing that with your beautiful photos.

  7. loving these photos, I really like praying mantis, we use to get alot of them up north, they are such interesting creatures.

  8. wonderfully invigorating plant photos! they make me :-)


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