
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Would you like my Rubies?

I have not been joining the Ruby Tuesday meme lately, as i always find it late. I only use the meme list at meme-aholics by Gemma Weisman, and the list always elude me. Most hosts open the link the day before the actual day, i am not blaming them, just saying a fact. Ruby Tuesday is listed on Tuesday, but it opens on Monday. Whenever i open it on Tuesday there are already lots of linkers, and maybe nobody will open my post anymore.

That happens also with other memes, that i join normally. I am sorry about that folks, as maybe my memory is not functioning that efficiently anymore! I tend to forget those in the short term memory now, and when there are urgent work in the office i sacrifice blogging. That is not my choice, of course, just the necessity. But i will still try to join and i hope you will still find my post. hehehe

 I hope you will consider this as ruby. I am sure you will notice the individual flower's semblance to a tiffany ring or an earing. I found them lovely. And if you smell it, oh you will savor it more. It is Hoya lucardenasiana. I specially wanted to grow it because the namesake is a batchmate in college who unfortunately neglected her plant and die in her possession. What a shame, i told her, but she has more work than me i suppose.

This one is Hoya mindorensis, also endemic in the country. It is scented too, but not as sweet as the first. It has rather a strong scent, maybe more of the male preference. The background is yellowish because it is so hot here today at 36°C with Heat Index of 40°C. It is killing me, but these hoyas love the heat, as long as they are watered in the evenings after their roots rested from the heat.

I am trying to post for more, but i decided to keep them for next week. But i promise i still have a lot more rubies....that is if i will remember. Thanks everyone.


  1. You really are fascinated with this orchid(?), I enjoy all the photos you post on FB.

    1. Oh yes Maria not only fascinated but addicted. I am growing it for 5 yrs now, just known it by that time not even heard that term as a plant, only as a lens and as a famous Filipino painter. Hoya is not an orchid but a hoya, hehe. They are both epiphytes though.

  2. Your Hoyas are always spectacular and this ruby one is a beauty too. We have them here as houseplants but I think I´ve only seen here one variety.

    1. Janneke, i always forget if you are from Netherlands or Belgium. There are big commercial nursery hoya owners in Netherlands.

  3. Hello, your ruby Hoyas are beautiful. Lovely images. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  4. Great photos of this beautiful ruby :)

  5. Beautiful captures!

  6. Wonderful shots, as usual, Andrea. Hoyas are such rewarding plants, I don;t blame you for being so enamoured of them.
    Many thanks for joining the Floral Friday Fotos meme, I look forward to your next contribution.


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But i am requesting that no other personal links should be put on your comments. I am sorry, but backlinks give me some problems, so i might not publish them.Thank you very much for understanding.