
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Countryside Shots

Barangay is the smallest political administrative unit in the Philippines, a term for village or suburban neighborhood. There are countryside barangays and urban barangays.  As of June 2015 there 42,029 barangays listed in this country.  These are specific shots in our barangay and might be representative or common picture of countryside barangays here. 

 barangay road

barangay view

barangay kid and his pet dog

barangay plants at the start of the dry season

 tropical secondary growth mountain forest

barangay weeds

typical barangay flower is bougainvillea

garden spiders not sure whether friend or foe

kittens oblivious of the impending heat of summer

Nature Notes
Our World Tuesday


  1. Hello, lovely series of images. I love the boy with his dog and the sweet kittens. The plants and blossoms are all beautiful. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  2. Your barangay is a wonderful place to live, so different from our countryside. Love the view down the road, even the garden spiders are different from ours. Cute pictures of the boy with his dog and the kittens playing.

  3. What a beautiful area of the world you live in. Great photos.


  4. Looks very green and lush. Wonderful pictures.

  5. Really soothing and eye feasting pics..!

  6. Weeee! You showed some kittens, I am super happy. I love the barangay scenes. I missed living back home when I see scenes like this. However, I have been away too long that the first thought that came to mind when I saw the first photo here is, "Wow, this reminds me of Costa Rica!" Pathetic isn't it? Stay cool, I bet the summer heat is off and running.

  7. Hello Andrea..I really enjoy learning about different places and your country. It really is so lush looking and sunny which makes me want to fly over and sit in the sun. Great photo of the spiderlings and of the scenery and flowers. I did look up the poem that you had commented on about grief and it is very appropriate ... thank you for letting me know,, Michelle

  8. What beautiful pictures. The area looks so lovely, with luscious plants. I imagine it is fantastic, but I am not sure I could cope with the heat! I would love to see what butterflies are living there, though!!

  9. It's a very beautiful area. And as otherworldly to me as my ski shots were to you - such a different part of our incredible planet :)

  10. The view from barangay is very beautiful. It looks so green and full of flowers there. I never saw so many yellow spiders in one place--they looked like jewels. Have a good week, Andrea.

  11. Wonderful photos of Barangay. It is beautiful. It looks so lush and tropical, very lush and green. I also have never seen so many spiders and such a pretty color. The little boy with his dog is very sweet, as are the little kittens.

    I have a new blog now. You can find me here.

  12. Nice post from a part of the world I have not visited (yet!) - its looks tempting.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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