
Monday, October 19, 2015

For the Memes

I would like to show you some flowers found in my garden in the province this time of the year. They are mostly around during the wet season. I posted them for joining most of the memes. They are all shots this October, when we are entering the colder part of our weather. As most countries enter the Winter we get some temperature spillage from them, giving us the most comfortable in terms of temperatures.

This is the end of our rainy season, but that doesn't mean we are free from strong typhoons, especially now that our climate is trully changing for the worst. Today a very strong typhoon just wrecked havoc in the northern part of Luzon, with a lot of areas suffering from floods, thousands of families rescued from their water-laden homes, some lives sacrificed. I was in the province last weekend with fortunately weaker winds. I came back to Manila last Sunday night (last night). We in Metro Manila got only Signal No. 2, which also gave lots of water/flooding, causing closure of classes in all levels. My plants outside the 5th Floor Window are now in quarantine inside the room, as the winds might still blow them away.

 Jasminum sambac gives wonderful scent in the garden

 a hoya flower 

Hoya buotii purple corona inner lobes for Ruby Tuesday 

Hoya ilagiorum for Ruby Tuesday

a bitter gourd leaf, Momordica charantia

a butterfly on Duranta repens, its favorite nectar plant in my garden


  1. Both the Duranta and the butterfly are gorgeous! Great photos!

  2. I am glad to read that you were not harmed in any way by the latest typhoon. Sorry for those who lost lives and homes and businesses.

    Your photographs are amazing.


  3. Wonderful photos of beautiful flowers.

  4. Lovely dhots, especially the first and the last..

  5. Hello, lovely blooms and images. The butterfly is beautiful too. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  6. You have some wonderful garden stuff to share! Love the flowers--jasmine is one of my favorites! Your second shot is quite lovely, simple but beautiful.

  7. Gorgeous flowers and love the butterfly. The image of the jasmine is especially lovely.

  8. I am glad to hear that you are well. There is no end to the awful storms, floods, fires and earthquakes around the world. We have no control over Mother Nature... we even had some snow, but that is not dangerous this early in the season...Michelle

  9. I hope the weather is less severe for you and others....I wish I could grow jasmine. I love the scent.


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