
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Macro without the lens

Hippeastrum roseum


  1. What a unique flower (at least to me). Love both of your shots.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Great composition, especially in the first picture. The flower looks very special and elegant.

    1. Thank you Christine for the visit and the appreciation.

  3. What a beautiful flower, and so well photographed! I've spent some time looking at your past posts, and Isee we have something in common. I too, love to photograph flowers, and anything nature. I will return often!! And thank you for visiting me. I hope you had a chance to browse through some of my earlier posts of the past few months, and see some of the beautiful blooms I see here in the southwestern deserts of the US. So different from what you probably see where you live.

    1. Thanks for the very kind words Karen. Yes we almost have the same subjects for photography, you are just a better photographer, haha! I also browsed on your many past posts, and already put your link in my reading list. I have been learning a lot from blogger friends, and learn what temperate country vegetation are called. So in my few visits to cold countries i immediately know those i've already seen, e.g. wisteria, crocus, snowdrops, magnolia, grape hyacinth, lupines, etc. I am so glad i learned them as of course, our vegetation in the tropics is very much different.

  4. Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing these pictures

  5. Thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥

  6. Beautiful. I have macro lens but never used them for macro shooting. I better try them next time.

    1. Maybe you should better give your macro lens to me, hahaha! My 35mm Zuico macro lens stayed in the service shop for a long time, yet when the getting time comes they said the price is more than the previous amount months ago. I would just retrieve it without repair. I am so mad.

  7. That's beautiful. You may not see snow-capped mountains very often, but I don't see flowers like this except on the screen!

    1. hahaha, yes you're right Al, not everything is given to anyone. We always be thankful for what we have. Thank you for the visit. Come here often and i will show you all the flower colors on screen.

  8. What a delight. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  9. Lovely details! Amaryllises are gorgeous flowers.

  10. Lovely photos and beautiful flowers :-)

  11. Beautiful shots, Andrea!
    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos, your contributions are always appreciated.


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