
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Its Shore Time!

A few decades ago when the population in our area is still low, the road traversing from the right to the left of this picture, is mostly along the shoreline. I remember some few kilometers without barriers to the sea and driving along the circumference of this cove is magnificently pleasant. These days these areas are mostly blocked by houses, buildings, stores, structures. We only see glimpses of the sea through small spaces between man-made structures, and driving is boring already.

At least a few meters in this portion is till left open, as parking spaces for those small boats.  Look at the house at the right corner, that is just one of the many eyesores in this part of our shoreline. Maybe only a typhoon as strong as 'Yolanda' can get this area to what it should be!


  1. I see your point. I feel the same way with man despoiling the most scenic parts of the world.

  2. Shame about the building going on.

    1. Ours is the disadvantage of too much people, excess of carrying capacity!

  3. So much of our Sydney harbour foreshore is privately owned... but there have been moves to reclaim bits of it. Your image is beautiful... i love the composition and the colour.

    1. Thanks Lori for dropping by. I've been to many shores of NSW in the past and i really love them without manmade structures, and not littered with human beings!

  4. It's so unfortunate that many coastlines are littered with manmade structures.

  5. Yes, we humans are a greedy species ... always wanting to inhabit the best views.

    1. Thanks for the visit Frank. Sometimes i am inclined to wish for nature to immediately take its action, no matter what!

  6. Beautiful picture, but what a sad story.

    1. Yes Katrin, this is a sad story! Thanks for your visit.

  7. I sympathise with you on this.The local council should be made accountable for all these spoilers. Your photo is great.

  8. What a shame!! Boom, Bobbi, and Gary.

  9. Lovely shot, there is still beauty in eyesores.

    1. Yes Karen, you are right, but because i cannot remove these eyesores from our shores, i just maybe later just change my perspective so i wont be stressed seeing them there! haha

  10. Such a bright, sunny shot! I never tire of seeing the sea.

  11. That is a beautiful shoreline, it's a shame it's getting spoiled by building. That house is so close to the water it must be in danger every time there's a storm!

    1. Hi Al, yes it is only a storm that must remove all those structures and houses. These people are risking their property, but let them be at risk that is their decision. And we are not happy with them.

  12. Beautiful area Andrea. I am sorry that more care isn't taken to keep these areas pristine... Michelle

  13. Magnificent shot. Love those blues and the waves crashing into the beach.


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