
Monday, November 4, 2013

Sparkling Reds

Hippeastrum bud

Odontonema strictum or firespike


  1. Beautiful red photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  2. Wonderful! It looks like fireworks.

  3. Absolutely stunning!!! Please consider yourself officially invited to participate this year's 5th Annual Gratitude (word) Quilt. Instructions (it is very simple) and a link that explains the origin of the word quilt can be found at the top of my blog. In past years there have been participants from every continent except Antarctica. I hope you'll join us:-)

    1. Thanks Laura for the very kind words. I also appreciate your invitation to your Annual Gratitude Quilt, let me see if i will be able to do something. Best regards and more power.

  4. Laura took the words right out of my keyboard. ;-) I especially LOVE the first image--you must put that in a frame and put it on your wall. Gorgeous!

    1. Oh thank you so much Beth. When you said that i specilly looked at it intently and yes it looks special now! Haha, sometimes someone has to reinforce something for the owner to realize the beauty in his job.

  5. That second image is something special. Nicely captured.

  6. That firespike is stunningly gorgeous. I would love to have it in my garden, but I am pretty sure it will survive here. Too bad :-(. The bud looks so yummy -- like a stick ice-cream :-). Very nice shots.

  7. i so luv that absolutely gorgeous flower bud; have a nice Tuesday

    much love...

  8. What gorgeous Macros --- One day I want to learn how to do such! Thank you for sharing!

  9. 2 dynamic varieties of vibrant red. Lovely photos.

  10. I love the flower of the firespike. Perfect name.


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