
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Night Visitors

Once-in- a while i get some night visitors, my latest are these two. I will put their IDs later as I am in a hurry, a friend is picking me up for an early Christmas get-together! See you later my blogger friends.


  1. Beautiful macro shots... great colors as well!

  2. Nifty visitors, and your photos are fun. Perfect for a Macro Monday!

  3. They're beautiful! Very pretty colours.

  4. Beautiful insects! Nice shots!

  5. What pretty insects. The last one is just perfect - it is naturally very beautiful in colour and pattern..but I also like the way you photographed it against the neutral textures of the wall. Thank you for sharing with Mandarin Orange Monday:)


Your visits and comments are the life of this site. I certainly appreciate them and I will make sure to return the favor. Energies are not destroyed, they are just transformed, so healthy energies be with us all, just like the breath of life!

But i am requesting that no other personal links should be put on your comments. I am sorry, but backlinks give me some problems, so i might not publish them.Thank you very much for understanding.