
Saturday, July 27, 2013

My New Friend

My younger sister keep some goats at home in the province. When her two kids were still young they love playing games with the goats' kids. It is amusing that all of them are called "kids", though the human kids are much bigger. The goat-kids when fully attended and played with by young human-kids, think maybe that they are human-kids too. The most pampered ones even enter the house and bit the skirt of anybody there for attention. They are so adorable.

However, we don't have the goat- kids these days, moreso human-kids. My niece and nephew are already in college and in high school, respectively. But wen there are goat-kids at home, i never fail to also play with them. Everybody has grown up, so i can now have more time for plants and butterflies.

 This is our mature male goat, he kept on moving around and doesn't want my touch. He also likes to pose this way, which alludes my understanding. I particularly like him because of the pair of bling-blings hanging on his neck. Isn't that cute! They are very soft but he doesn't allow me to touch it. There is also a lovely design on the side of its neck, beneath the ears.

At the back is his sister, who cries incessantly whenever her brother is tethered out of sight. They grow together, and been  very attached to each other more than humans do. Try to put the other at the other side of the wall, and they will both not stop crying very loudly. You will not be able to sleep overnight hearing them, if you do that. Hearing the other one will not assure the other of their presence, they must be very near, almost touching. Aren't they adorable. I consider him my new friend, even if he doesn't like me!


  1. Such a touching story. Animals have feelings too and suffer from separation anxiety much like humans who forge strong bonds. I just can't imagine them been led to slaughter or for korban/sacrifice.

  2. They are adorable! Animals definitely grow close to each other.

  3. Kids are some of the cutest baby animals ever.

  4. They really are adorable. My dad had a pet goat when he was growing up but since I've always lived in the city I've never seen any except at zoos and fairs. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. How adorable! Love their color too!


  6. My daughter is fascinated by goat kids. Love these shots.

  7. Very cute and once he gets to know you he will like you even better.

  8. Oh he is adorable and think he likes you fine just seem to be a 'free spirit' with a good sense of himself ~ Great photos ~ thanks ^_^

  9. Oh.. I love goats and sheep. Love your pictures :)


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