
Monday, June 3, 2013

Organized Chaos

I had a difficult time focusing on these subject. It is very lush and a handful by themselves, very vigorously growing and looks palatable as a salad. The flowers are pinkish and lovely too, scattered along the stems. but when you look closely, the individual leaves are actually just 3-4 mm, yes millimeter, long. It is growing in a pot of petunia, the others are in a gaillardia pot. It is growing vigorously because it perhaps get the water supposed to be for the main plant. So you can relate with me now in saying that photographing it is very difficult. The minute leaves and thin branches make it so vulnerable to even just a wisp of wind, or even just an ant's movement affects it. 

 I really don't know how it is called, it might have medicinal properties but i also don't know. It is difficult to search when you don't have the lead. How i wish it can be made into salad. I just can relate it to the size and complexity of a silaginella.

I posted the above photo in FB, and someone commented that i shot this at the wrong angle! I gave a hilarious burst of laughter, as i thought i found it nice with those bokeh and shallow DOF!  How about you, may i know your verdict?
Macro Monday intro badge photo MM2badgeintrofinal_zps09e45e9a.jpg


  1. Lovely shots! I like them both.

  2. I think these are wonderful... I like the combination of fuzzy soft and clarity... that's how we experience life anyway.

  3. Wow, those are tiny! I love trying to shoot buds that tiny, but don't often succeed like you did!

  4. Gorgeous pictures, the angle looks good to me.

  5. Lovely looks almost like a thyme plant


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