
Monday, February 25, 2013

Untimely Bloom

My Hippeastrum puniceum produced some blooms in February, as a response to an untimely rain. The blooms are very few, but it gave a beautiful surprise. January to April are the normal dry months, this bulb normally bloom only after the long dry spell followed by the heavy rains in May. However, they are now unprdictable, just like the weather. Thanks to the very unusual climate changes, plants gave unusual responses as well. I hope the changes remain just like this, and not the unexpected harmful ones. 

MM3   Ruby Tuesday 2


  1. such lovely macros. I hope you are right about climate changes, but the photos I've been seeing of the glaciers' melting is disturbing.

  2. the color and let's hope the earth changes don't do harm..

  3. Olá,
    Bjs fraternos de paz

  4. Great flower. I love the color.

  5. you plant them in the ground, not in the pot then? so beautiful.

    1. yes they are all planted on the ground, so they can care for themselves. We don't have winter, so it is not a problem.

  6. This is a beautiful variety. I'm glad to know that it's not just the forced bulbs that are unpredictable. I have two that refused to bloom in December and January that are about to bloom now, after they already made foliage. -Jean

    1. Yes Jean, the unpredictability in this case is because of the sudden unexpected rain which abruptly stopped its dormancy. It is also the principle why you force your bulbs by putting them in your refrigerators, to induce dormancy. They when you water it again outside the ref, growth or flowering starts again.


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