
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Blooms before Christmas 2012

There is no month in our area when you cannot see any flower at all. Even at the height of the dry season, some perennials still produce some bright colors, even if just a few. The colors now are fading off before the dry season begins, but we still have a lot. I just posted a few here (as it is almost about midnight already, yaaaawn!).

Red Salvia - i just realized that they have eyes, just see them in this photo!

Crossandra infundibuliformis

Crinum lily - blooms only during the rainy season

Coleus blumei

remnants of white Petunia

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  1. Śliczne kwiaty, a kwitnący w porze deszczowej jest niesamowity. Pozdrawiam.
    Beautiful flowers and blooming in the rainy season is amazing. Yours.

    1. Hi Giga, what time is it there now? It is almost midnight here, i guess maybe you are morning. Thanks for coming.

  2. Lovely shots! Especially the first one. I adore the strong color! Have a good time!

  3. Wonderful flowers! I love the lily.

  4. A joy to breath your pictures.

    Please have a good Friday.

    daily athens photo

  5. love the crossandria and coleus, beautiful colours. The salvia flowers look like bright little masks :)

  6. i love your photo of the coleus--the beautiful leaves are showcased. lovely color of crossandra--it loos delicate.

  7. Hi Andrea,
    great flower pictures, so wonderful colors and details, I love it to see this, when it's outside snowwhite! ;-)
    Wish you a nice weekend and thank you for visit my blog ♥

  8. That salvia really does look as though it has eyes. I too love your beautiful flowers. Thank -you so much for your delightful comments on my blog.

  9. my favourite is the Crinum lily, really beautiful in colors and shape.

  10. Replies
    1. Hi Jason, i've tried many times but I can't get through your wordpress blog, i wonder why because in others I can. Maybe you think i am ignoring your comments here, but no! I am actually looking for your email add to write you, but i also am not successful. Thanks Jason.

  11. Maybe you would post about the change of seasons for the meme...I love learning about your seasons and flowers.

  12. I am so glad you linked in this week. I am just a little jealous however.... I have been in the deep freeze of Alberta for a while now and seeing that others still have a few things on the "grow" makes me smile! I hope you will again soon!
    I am sharing this post with my Tootsie Time facebook page!
    Hugs from Alberta Canada
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


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