
Monday, November 19, 2012


Growth and development is a series of cellular transformations occurring in maturing live organisms. It is most  prominent in developing flowers, not only because of the appearance of flower parts but also because of the color changes. Even if I see plants and flowers all the time, and even if my mind has been bombarded with lots of the processes happening in them, both chemically and physiologically, i am still awed at this phenomenon. I would like to share with you some pictures of what we have in the garden and for me comes so handy because they are just in my picture files of our yard now.

I will not be including those not yet good for photos, e.g. flower primordia, and all that ek-ek, blah-blah! I will be featuring the two cultivars of marigolds, the single petals and the multi petals. The differences between the two varieties are obvious at the same stage levels. One common characteristics is the visit of insects like bees and butterflies.






  1. oxygen generators they may be but they are also clear and detailed photographs and enjoyable to view.

  2. I like Marigolds very much. I had some on my balcony this summer.
    Thank you for stopping by at Polonica: Home Again.
    P.S. Blue hydrangea for blue car parking? :-)

  3. Nice to meet you! Lovely photos and great lesson. I believe you said you were Andrea? I could not tell from your blog. Thanks so much for the visit!

  4. lovely macros pictures collection, may I ask what type of lense are you using?

  5. Amazing butterfly - never saw wings so transparent.

  6. An interesting collection of flowers at different stages. The colour is beautiful and the images so clear! Thank you for taking part in Mandarin Orange Monday:)

  7. Great photos and interesting reminder (or new information) about the work the flowers do.

  8. Love my favorite marigolds as seen through your eyes.


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