
Friday, November 2, 2012

October Blooms Too!

Some blooms, and there are still a lot more, but space doesn't allow! I even dropped off some uploads, I wonder why I can't stop uploading sometimes. Do you encounter such a feat too? And there are occasions on the contrary, i feel so lazy uploading even if the photos are blatantly looking at me. Maybe this is the effect of anticipating the long weekend, 4 days at home. And that means I will get a lot of butterfly and insect photos. Hmm, that is the promise, and now i have to stop uploading! Stop me...

I can almost post this for GBBD, but it is still the wrong date.

Celosia argentea, red

Anthurium andraeanum

I forgot the name of this, I assure you i know it before, is this sign of the times!

pink Zinnia elegans


marigold, Tagetes erecta. It is amazing how this bud looks like the bottom when fully opened.

marigold, Tagetes erecta

marigold, favorite of many butterflies and small insects

Ixora coccinea with a fluttering butterfly

yellow Cosmos bipinnatus

sulasi, holy basil, Ocimum sanctum and a spider, 

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  1. Jak to miło patrzeć na takie piękne kwiaty, jak u nas za oknami szaro i smutno. Pozdrawiam.
    How nice to see such beautiful flowers, as we have the windows gray and sad. Yours.

  2. Intriguing variety of flowers! Lovely photos!

    1. Thanks Gemma for dropping by. I smiled at your description of 'intriguing', i guess if plants are not growing in our climate zones, they get to be intriguing, haha! That is sometimes what i feel also for temperate flowers!

  3. what gorgeous shots of these really pretty blooms!

  4. Lovely flowers. We have the same flowers as you do. The Amazon lily blooms twice a year in my country.

  5. Love that marigold bud just opening! I've never thought to look that closely at one in that stage....

    1. Thanks Gaia Gardener for the visit. I am just like you with that attention, just noticed when i got a new lens capable of shooting that bud!

  6. Alot of pictures but not overwhelming at all. Simply beautiful. I think your blog has to be the prettiest blog out there in the garden world with the neat layout and wonderful scenic background.

    1. Oh Tina you are so kind, thank you so much for that description! But maybe that is too much for this blogsite, haha!

  7. Such a delight to see all these wonderful photos! Never too many, I love them all :) Thank you for linking with Today's Flowers too. Your support is very much appreciated.

  8. You have my favorite marigolds growing...and they are perennial for you? I would love that.


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