
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Elegant White Flowers

I have been looking for white flowers at home, but they seem to be elusive. I just realized we don't have them for a long time. I searched and looked, peeped and magnified, and here are my only white flowers. And they are very small, it is good i already have a macro lens. 

individual flower of cat whiskers (Tagalog-balbas pusa), Orthosiphon aristatus

Spike of the cat whiskers flowers

Asparagus fern, Asparagus plumosus

the individual flower of asparagus fern is ~3mm in diameter



  1. Nice Andrea!!! That first shot is truly bizarre, strange beautiful at the same time. Nicely done! Hope you have a good week my friend:) Happy thoughts your way. Kreesh!

  2. First photo is a wonderful macro ~ lovely ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^ on Blogger ^_^

  3. Amazing macro shot the detail is fabulous


  4. Gorgeous macro! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Beutiful photos. I love how you can see the "hairs" in the first shot.

  6. Wonderful! Incredible macro's, so sharp and clear. Thank you very much for sharing with Today's Flowers. I am sorry I haven't been by before but I have had family staying with us this past week, and I spent very little time on the computer. Have a great weekend!


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