
Sunday, October 28, 2012

A White Moth

This might not be an oxygen generator, but as long as they live in our farm, they are a part of our ecosystem. They get also their food from the plants, directly or indirectly. The only bad thing about this post is, it is still NOID, i haven't learned of its identity. I am in a hurry, so please excuse my impatience. I just know it is a moth, a very clean-looking dainty moth. I am sure you will agree with me that it is beautiful.

 its pupa shell is still hanging at the top left portion, it is still drying its wings here, maybe newly eclosed

 it looks scared at this pose, or maybe it is still unaware of the dangers of its surroundings

 look at those eyes, which suddenly got aware of my presence, got suddenly black and focused

the moth's lovely white attire viewed from above, with 2 black spots at both wings

Camera Critters


  1. That is indeed pretty, and it's a perfect Camera Critters post. Great shots!

    1. Thanks for your kindness Al, i know your shots are so very good, so i appreciate this so much!

  2. Awesome shots! I love your macros!
    Thank you visiting my blog!

  3. Agreed with you that it is a moth. It looks like it has just donned its bridal gown and probably on its way to getting married.

    1. hahaha, yes Stiletto, it surely will as that is its main purpose!

  4. That's the first time in my life that I have to laugh when I saw this moth pictures especially the third one with this huge eyes, hahaha !

    1. yes Gattina, my being naughty often shows in my posts! I also laughed at Stiletto's comment above! Thanks for visiting.

  5. This is a treat! I have never seen this so up close!

    Hi Andrea, I seldom blog now because it gets so tiring when I come home from work, though I still do a lot of long trips and day trips with by photo buddies.


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