
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Very Colorful Berries!

Tropical fruits are abundant during our dry season from February to May. But other fruits also become mature and ready for picking at the onset of the rainy season. One of these is 'bignay' (Antidesma bunius), considered minor fruit because it is not sold commercially in big volumes, nor exported. It is also not known to many people. Some even haven't tasted it. Only kids eat and gather them as part of their plays.

Bignay however when processed, produce a very valuable product, bignay wine. A college friend, for his desire to preserve the environment and help the community, bought one side of a biodiversity vulnerable mountain, planted it to bignay, and now reaps the pleasure of a sustainable environment while producing his own wine  (Another Link). The community helps him preserve the vegetation of the area and at the same time the raw materials for his wine business. Endemic birds, formerly vulnerable to loss of habitat, now enjoy a stable sanctuary and peaceful surroundings. 

I found a volunteer bignay in our property and it is now laden with fruits. It is near the road so lots of children enjoy its fruits when fully ripe. The following photos are not fully ripe yet. They turn deep red or violet red when fully ripe. It is sweet with a little balance of acidity, and just like any other fruits can be made into fine wines. I am not making wines, but i make the children and the birds in our property happy with these free for all berries. It is a good source of antioxidants, and i hope birds benefit from antioxidants too. Other parts of the plant are used to balance sugar levels in blood of diabetics. 

A bunch below already shows some ripe berries, black means ripe!

Outdoor Wednesday: Click on the picture below to learn more...


  1. They are bright. I never heard of bignay, but it does sound like it can be used in numerous ways.

    1. Yes Donna, actually what I mentioned here are just a few uses, for wine and for diabetes, but there are still more medicinal value for this fruits. And most of all it feeds birds and other animals in the area!

  2. Never heard of this plant but it sounds like an important one considering diabetes is on the rise around the world. The wine making man sounds fascinating.

  3. What a special plant, beautiful berries that everyone can enjoy

  4. Another new fruit I am learning about...I love how they hang like beads from the tree changing into gorgeous colors of red to purple.

  5. Special berries...have never heard of them before.
    Thanks for sharing.:-)

  6. Great post and awesome photos ~

    ~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor) on Blogger linked w/Outdoor Wednesday

  7. What a pretty fruit! I love how it hangs from the tree. Very interesting!

  8. I never seen this one in my tropical region.
    It really look like cluster of grapes.
    Even if I don't intend to consume it - I would really enjoy seeing those ornamental fruits in the garden as such as this.
    It sure look very beautiful when all the fruits ripe and give the birds & wild life food.


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