
Saturday, May 5, 2012

A lovely morning!

How would you like to wake up with this scene peeping through your window? 

If you are living in the big city like me, sunrises are very difficult to see. I am just luckier that i have all the sunsets because i live in the fifth floor with windows facing the west. I am double lucky as a tall building is not rising yet next to us, and we can never say when that moment will come. I am a little bit assured of more sunsets in the years to come because private properties with detached single houses are at my side. 

So sunsets and mornings are very special for me, i see them only in the province. I intentionally open my windows to let the morning colors bathe me while on the bed. And it never fails  to wake me up before dawn colors dissipate. The open windows also allows the newly generated oxygen sustain me very well through the night, while i am happily dreaming of wonderful futures, which include fully forested mountains and cities devoid of pollution! How wonderful to sleep in clean environments, where breathing is not a hassle at all. 

This is a mango tree with dense canopy

A young forest tree

Our house in the province is on the highland, and although we are far from the sea, we can still see it in the horizon. We are surrounded by already tall trees, most of which are fruiting during their specific season. Not only the morning colors wake me up. Tweeting birds are so happy in the morning before sunrise. And I already learn to distinguish the birds through their tweets, my niece and nephew taught me about them. 

A mature custard apple tree whose branches I sometimes trim for reaching the window. Beyond is a coconut tree laden with fruits, we have lots of them in our property.

Sun rising on top of a citrus tree behind the coconut

Do you agree now that we have a beautiful place in the province? But i agree with you, it can be relative! It might be beautiful only for me because i compare my situation in the big city. If you are living in a resort house near the beach or a garden resort, that is another story!   But I will still fight for my decision, cause what is the old saying for, that "beauty is in the eyes of ....", you know the rest! 


  1. aloha andrea,

    i like the new blog, i think you will be sharing some really exciting stories and visuals soon and i'm looking forward to it. i like the new heading and meaning, its just perfect.

    1. Thank you Noel, i hope i can sustain my excitement through time!

  2. Congrats on this new blog! :)

    1. Thank you Rico, i hope you will visit and comment more often. They are my blogs' life!

  3. hi, Andrea. how can i help you with the layout? i'm using blogger's layout and colors--just click Design and it's all there.:p i believe you live in a good location in the province, as long as there are trees, the scent of the ocean, a view of the mountains, that's a great place to live.:p

    sunrises now shines into my garage, and i can see the sunset from my bedroom window but obscured by trees and a school across the street. i miss the roof deck from my old apartment where i can see gorgeous sunsets and sunrises.

    1. Hi Luna thanks, I am not good in following computer language instructions, haha! I changed my layout there too, but i can't change the color of the comments, wonder if they hide it. I love the way you put that bright color at the bottom of yours in comment portion.

      I live in Quezon City, 5th Floor of a condo unit and have all the sunsets everyday. I just go home to the province sometimes 2 wkends per month. I wonder where you live!

  4. Does your city working environment come with heavily polluted air? Even here in our small country town, we are surrounded by wheatfields and cropsprayers and agro-chemicals. Have to hike up into the mountains to get untainted oxygen rich air. But our trees work hard at cleaning the air.

    1. Hello Diana, unfortunately our big city is heavily laden with fossil fuel exhausts! And that is very disagreeable to my allergic rhinitis. Fortunately, we are far from commercial fields using chemical pesticides. It is already heaven for me when in the province, where breathing is so clear! Thanks for your visit.

  5. it is lovely with the sun and is similar to how I wake with the sun through the trees and the birds tweeting merrily before sunrise

    1. Donna, it is better for you as you are always waking up with them, i have them only once-in-a while. In my city dwelling, i am fully saturated with hot afternoon sun and sunsets.

  6. Hi Andrea - Wishing you all the best with your new blog. It will surely open my eyes to a different world.
    Custard apple is one of the most delicious fruits I've ever eaten. I've tried planting the seeds but nothing happens.

    1. Oh b-a-g you mean you tried planting custard apple in UK! That might not be possible, it probably will germinate, but growing will be a miracle. It is a strongly hot tropics crop. We have lots of them and it is also my favorite next to our Carabao mango! Unfortunately, custard apple is not suited for long distance shipping, so can't export them. Thanks for the wishes for my new blog.

  7. Lovely colours in that sunrise, Andrea. Best wishes for your new blog!

    1. Thanks also for the wishes Nick, i hope i can diligently sustain it too!

  8. Those are beautiful sun-setting scenes.
    Reminds me of the tropical romantic seaside holiday feeling.

    1. yes James, that actually is the feeling if you are in our place, add to that the ease in breathing because you are near the Oxygen Generators! haha.

  9. Andrea, that is a gorgeous view to look forward to every night. For a city dweller, such a wonderful sight at the end of a long, hectic day. Best wishes with your new web site! As always, a wonderful place to visit!

    1. Thanks Cathy and Steve, i hope to manage the two blogs now, and still see my blogger friends posts! But unfortunately, i am not living in this place most days!

  10. The last picture is the one I like best. Very good composition. Your province is like paradise, but better than a resort because the beauty is unspoilt.

    1. Oh Autumn Belle, Saxon Holt of GGW say the camera always lie! hahaha. If you will see the surrounding areas around ours, you will see the big difference, which you will not like. Do you know that i succeeded convincing one member of my committee during my defense, in proving that i know conservation by making example of our property?

  11. A fabulous post, Andrea! What an amazing place ...


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