
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Birth of a New Blog

Oxygen Generators has always been in my head for a while. Since i am a kindred spirit with all things green like plants, trees, ornamentals, flowers, weeds, ferns, lower plants and microorganisms which are capable of photosynthesis, this phrase has been tumbling in my brain for quite a while. I even thought of applying it for a trademark. However, after three years the owner of a trademark must present evidences or proof of use, and i might not be able to present those evidences. It can be a good name or business name for a nursery, a farm or an orchard. So, this is the proper way of using that, in my case. 

What else can produce the purest oxygen but the green plants! 

The place i am standing at is Kalantikan, this view to Mt Gulugod Baboy (Mt Pig Spine) is very clear there. At my back is a complete view of the Batangas Bay, where the international cargo vessels use as port. It also faces the Pacific Ocean.

Our area in the province is rich in biodiversity, and the term Kalantikan is the name of a long ridge where the expansive view to the mountain is clear, as well as overlooking the sea including the islands. It is just like a promontory with very good visual distance. 

Under these bamboo groves is a very deep ravine which is crossed by a long bridge as part of the CALABARZON Highway f rom Manila to Batangas, Southern Luzon. 

Mountain ranges that are still full of forests are still visible on this highway. Even if both sides are farmlands with occasional farm crops, many orchards are also seen. These are commonly planted to mangoes, lanzones, coconuts, bananas and other minor fruit trees. 


  1. Hello dear bloggers. I am very grateful for the visits and comments you have given me in my other blog. I would not have been blogging this long if not for the inspiration i get from all of you. Sometimes i stop blogging when i don't get comments, but somehow it has already been ingrained in my psyche that i get back to it again. This time I even made another one, and hopefully you will still be here with me. Thank you so much.

  2. I'm still with you:) So what happened with Andrea in a Lifetime? Did you delete it? I can't imagine not reading your work. Hope you are having a great weekend! Kreesh:)

    1. Oh Kreesh, you are really a dear friend, but you should have checked my other old blog, the place we first met! hahaha! It is still there and will continue till Las Aventuras is still there too. More power to us and my sincerest gratitude to you for always being there to visit and comment.

  3. Andrea, I love your new blog and its emphasis on trees! (Yes, I am a tree hugger too!) We had two tuliptrees sprout in our garden, apparently transported here in some compost that was used to pot up perennials for sale and then shipped to a local garden center. We contacted the Eastern native Tree Society and learned about these wonderful tress, and will have them moved when they are dormant. We attempted that done in February and the landscaper made an appt. for taht week, then showed up two months later when the trees were already leafing out. I was annoyed, as we have to wait again, so they will be larger, harder and more expensive to move! But we are determined to save them both.

    1. I am happy that people like you appreciate this, i hope our tribe increase! Being not in the more developed countries in the world, it is difficult to move trees here, and many trees grow all the time because we have high biodiversity in the tropics. I sometimes get guilty when i cut some of them, or pull out some seedlings i consider weeds. Anyway, they are mostly those that are very prolific. Thanks for coming

  4. Congratulations to this new blog. This is a whole new area for me, so I will be learning as I read your post.

    1. Thank you also for always being with me in my posts. Actually, i just started with trees but all plants are oxygen generators, so basically this is just like my older blogsite.

  5. Hey, this is strange, I thought I had already commented here :)

    Congratulations on you new blog! May it be the start of many happy memories to remember for a lifetime!

    1. Yes Autumn Belle, you and James commented here first, but due to my carelessness in deleting another post, this was deleted too. I cannot fully remember what i said in the previous ones and since i was already very sleepy by then, i just put whatever came back in memory. I just am sure of the two photos. Sorry about that, and thanks for returning.

  6. I like the name, and I appreciate your passion for nature! It's the best gift on this earth to all of us who know how to enjoy and preserve it!

    1. Mumsy, you are fully right, and i hope many people will open their minds and be more responsible for our earth, this is only what we got! Thanks for coming.

  7. Best of Luck with your new blog Andrea! Remember that we draw inspiration from within too . . . keep writing and publishing with or without many comments. I had to give up a large part of blogging . . . that I enjoyed before Lyme . . . but reminded myself why I started in the first place. I miss visiting others and receiving their comments but my passion is not less because of it. To share your passion with the world and hope it may inspire others is what counts . . . a large part of why we create in any case. Feedback is surely important too but that cannot always be what keeps us going. You are off to a wonderful beginning. The world needs to wake up before it is too late. Thank you for sharing your perceptions and for being aware and willing to try to make a difference. Carol

    1. I have my sincerest gratitude for this message Carol. This will be an inspiration coming from you, and will be ingrained in my consciousness. Your works, what you do and what you build for the Flower Hill Farm are always inspiring and should be emulated. Thank you so much Carol.


Your visits and comments are the life of this site. I certainly appreciate them and I will make sure to return the favor. Energies are not destroyed, they are just transformed, so healthy energies be with us all, just like the breath of life!

But i am requesting that no other personal links should be put on your comments. I am sorry, but backlinks give me some problems, so i might not publish them.Thank you very much for understanding.