
Monday, July 15, 2019

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day July 2019

Starting when i do not have daily routines anymore, i can already do whatever i fancy doing! Many who are still in the "routine business" might envy my conditions. Yes, i actually am enjoying my days very much. It is still barely 7 months in my new life, and some  consequences  include forgetting my blog posts. My last was still in April. I hope i can regain the enthusiasm of routine blog posting.

Now i am showing you some blooms after the first heavy rains in June. Rains were actually very late by one month, and we can always blame El Nino or climate change for these changes. Nevertheless, typhoons have to come and visit us, with rains as the positive consequence. Maybe if not for the typhoons, we will be as dry as the deserts.

One of the best consequences is stopping the dormancy of hippeastrum, and the flowers emerge way ahead of their leaves. They bloom only once a year, so blooming is always very special, expected and savored. I have always loved hippeastrum and they always give me a yearly high.

  one of the siblings of my crosses, flowered after 4 yrs

  NoID given by a friend

 Hippeastrum x johnsonii

 Hippeastrum x johnsonii

Hippeastrum puniceum

Hippeastrum puniceum 'Alberti' 

 Hippeastrum 'Blossom Peacock'

 Hippeastrum 'Blossom Peacock'

 Hippeastrum 'Blossom Peacock'

another sibling of my cross with H x johnsonii

 another sibling of H x johnsonii

Next post, will be for other bulbs.