
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Dry Season Blooms

The start of the year has not been conducive to my blogging, again. It happened before and this year the same is repeated. A lot of things have been going on simultaneously, personal, official, hobbies, etc, etc, the list goes on and on! But blogging has always been a part of my life for several years now, in fact i am here for 10 years! It helped me convey my feelings and enthusiasm about so many things. It is an avenue for me to post my pictures of so many subjects, objects, travels, and a lot more too. It helped me use my spare time or my time has helped me to do blogging. Whatever, it is already a part of my adult life, and i am not stopping, a month or 2 of absence is just like a school recess. And my recess is finished, i am again into the normal flow of things. We have officially into our Dry Season and it is already hot, leaves are already starting to be scorched but some plants reached their reproductive stage.

What else will i be posting but what is handy! Therefore i will start with the Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. I have been linking with it for many years, it is already a habit for many of us. So while our Dry Season has just started and the hot temperature starts to soar, here are my blooms.

I have a tree of this Indian Beads, it was in a pot placed on the ground, rooted and become a tree. It was like a Christmas tree full of hanging white lanterns. 

 My few bulbs are blooming also, although only one scape of this Eucharis grandiflora rose this month. I hope the rest will follow. 

 Eucharis grandiflora or Amazon lily

 Four of my hippeastrum bloomed as a result of my flower induction. Normally they flower at the start of the rainy season. I induced dormancy for their earlier blooming.

 Unfortunately, they are all gifts from a friend 2 years ago, and they didn't have their 
I just put them on top of the water to induce blooming.


 A few red cosmos are still alive, but they are drying up so quickly.despite watering.

Red Pentas lanceolata is a favorite of one butterfly, Scarlet Mormon. It is continuously blooming, but the butterfly is nowhere to be found. these days. I guess its host plant is also drying up.

lavender Pentas

 purple Vanda loves the heat and intense sunlight

 a few hoyas have blooms, but the rest prefer the rainy season, Hoya buotii (yellow)

 Hoya buotii (yellow)

Hoya nakarensis

Hoya diversifolia

 Hoya diversifolia on top of lanzones trees. They love it there. This hasn't stopped flowering since September last year. Sorry for the very bright picture as this was to high up from the ground.

And the star of my hoyas being a first time bloomer, Hoya macgillivrayi. The blooms lasted for 8 days. It is not endemic nor native here but from Northern Australia. 

Thank you so much for your time looking at my posts. 
I appreciate much your comments, which are the life of my blogs.